The Psychology of Color and Recent News about Mc Donald's


The speaker discusses color psychology and its influence on our perceptions and behavior. In this TED talk, the authors discuss how warm hues like red, yellow, and orange have a propensity to stir up powerful feelings like love, passion, happiness, and rage.On the other hand, cool hues like blue, green, and purple are frequently connected to emotions like peace, melancholy, and indifference.These emotional responses are believed to be influenced by colors.

With its most recent promotion, McDonald's is capitalizing on the artificial intelligence (AI) craze by asserting that one of its menu items is the goat. The response was obvious when the brand asked ChatGPT what the world's most recognizable burger was. Although there are other well-known patties in different countries, the chatbot asserted that the Big Mac was likely the most well-known worldwide. That is to say, it was "A."I really like it.


TEDx Talks. (2017, May 17). The Psychology of Color | Riley Johnson | TEDxLosOsosHighSchool [Video]. YouTube.

A.I’m lovin’ it. (2023, April 25).
